Cheers to 2016 and a Better You
“New Year’s Reflection:
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
– Aristotle ”
2016, the new year is just a few hours away and instead of a list of resolutions we most likely won't keep, we're reflecting on how to become better versions of ourselves.
As Aristotle says, excellence is not an act, but a habit. Rather than focusing on one or two resolutions you want to stick to or goals you want to accomplish, reflect on how to change your daily habits to become a better you – and your resolutions and goals will naturally fall into place with your efforts.
This new year, let's pledge to change our habits, to change our lives. Work your planned resolutions into habits you can change. If your resolution is to meditate for 5 min every morning, make it a habit. If your resolution is to work towards and plan a luxurious get away to the Maldives or a tour of Europe, set weekly and monthly goals to make it happen, and make those goals a daily habit. Habits mean you just do it – no more worrying about working out everyday, saving money, or taking care of your lips and skin. If you make it a habit right away, your life will become better and easier.
Cheers to 2016 and a better you!